Smarty's Official Blog

  • Gorgeous Sparkly Plastic Spoon Ornaments

    Here at Smarty Had A Party we sell a lot of elegant disposable flatware, and even a few in lovely colors. But sometimes there just ain't enough bling on that place setting. When you need a little extra sparkle, a...

  • Clear Plate Place Setting Idea

      Hello there! How have you been? I have a newfound liking! For what exactly?  For plates, more explicitly speaking, clear plastic plates.  So those are what I have been using for the recent parties. So I thought, why not...

  • DIY Washi Tape Ideas

    Running low on time before your party, but your tableware is craving an added touch of creativity? Try these DIY Washi tape ideas for a cute, quick way to add last minute party flare! We added Washi tape to the...

  • Elegant Rustic Place Setting

    Do you love the rustic look? It's definitely still going strong in 2013, but it's typically associated with a very quaint and casual style. If you've been wondering how to dress it up for a more formal appearance, you came...

  • Baby Bird DIY Birth Announcement

    Here's an adorable idea to announce the upcoming arrival of a new family member. Invite all of your family over for a dinner party and leave one of these adorable baby bird DIY birth announcements on each place setting. When...

  • Introducing a New Smarty Blogger!

    Attention Smartyverse: new Smarty blogger on the block! I'm excited to introduce myself as the newest addition to the Smarty Had a Party bloggers. My name is Ashley and since that name already belongs to a fabulous Smarty blogger, I'll...