Smarty's Official Blog

  • Off to the Races - DIY Derby Idea

    The fastest two minutes in sports is happening this Saturday! Since the Kentucky Derby itself is so short, you'll want to extend the celebration as long as possible and we've got the decorative inspiration for the occasion. This is the...

  • Wedding Planning Goes High Tech

    It's high time the world of wedding and party planning converged with technology, and today we're bringing you some of the latest apps, websites and tech-trends for nearly every tech device that will put your wedding on the cutting edge....

  • Ombre+Chevron+Mint Wedding Decor Inspirations

    Shades of emerald green, mint and teal - it's a huge deal! Ombre, mint and chevron are three of the biggest trends this spring and in today's blog, we're going to show you some combinations that will make you green...

  • 14 Grand Slam Baseball Party Decor Ideas

    14 Grand Slam Baseball Party Decor Ideas

    Baseball season is in full swing (here I go again with the baseball puns)! So, continuing with our ballpark theme this week, we show you four grand slam party decor ideas for the perfect opening day celebration in today's blog...

  • A Winning Super Bowl Party Spread

    While the game is playing in the background, your Superbowl snacks should be at the forefront in style! Your crowd will go wild with this game-changing Smartyware! You don't need to know the players' names to impress all those football...

  • Hot Party on a Cold Day

    Say Goodbye to your winter blues: The holidays have whisked on by! Their fleeting frenzy has given way to snow and cold winter days, and we’re left seeking new adventures. Well who said the warmth and exciting parties have to...